Saturday 2 April 2011

Bags on wheels!

Bags, bags, bags. Everyone knows how much a girl loves bags. I got two that I take to and from work. The second one isn't by choice really. When I started my job the boss told me that they didn't have any office computers. In fact they didn't have anything so I had to bring my own pens, pencils, note pads, tape, gluestick, staples, paper-rock-scissors and get a laptop - fast. The cheapest laptop had all the basic specs I needed but weighs a ton. As I wasn't going to leave my purchase in a place frequented by opportunist drug addicts I needed a mode of transport for my laptop that allows me to keep my posture, muscle tendons and good temperment intact while lugging it to and from work. So all hail the wheelie bag! The saviour of commuting souls. The all faithful container of workstuff, lunch and other personal items. The epitome of convenience. I can't harp on about it enough!

Necessity is the mother of all innovation. I don't know much on the history of the bag or the wheel so I will say this: I love the guy/girl who invented the wheel! I love the girl (it has to be) who invented the bag! I love my wheelie bag! :D

What I would look like if my bag didn't have wheels (image by Thiago Piccoli)

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